Rockingham Jobs Fair

Rockingham Jobs Fair

Community engagement is integral to TAG’s service and there is nothing like meeting someone face to face to discuss job and training options.

TAG’s business development coordinator Manon Arnold and reverse marketer Joe Wright recently attended the Rockingham Jobs Fair to meet job seekers, and to get a better understanding of the local market.

The free event held at the Gary Holland Community Centre showcased job opportunities across all ages and skillsets in the Rockingham area, and was open to all ages from school leavers to mature-age workers looking for a career change.

“It was a really great day,” Ms Arnold said. “We met many locals who were unsure of their next step, so it was wonderful to share some of what TAG does.

“I think they were surprised at the variety of opportunities out there and I have no doubt we will be training some Rockingham locals very soon.”

The jobs fair also featured workshops, live demonstrations, and TAG was joined by representatives from a range of different employers who spoke first hand to attendees.