Industry Skills Training to Help Get Your New Job

Industry Skills Training to Help Get Your New Job

It’s an unfortunate reality that youth unemployment is a perpetual issue. Young people are willing to work but struggle to get employed in a competitive market. The reasons are varied, including fewer apprenticeships and entry-level positions, and more workers putting off retirement. 

For those dealing with long-term unemployment, the impact of this is keenly felt, with job applications ignored due to lack of experience. This might feel like a catch 22; if you’re unable to get a job, how on earth are you supposed to build up the experience needed for employment? Read on to learn about how valuable skills training can help you get that new job.

Get a head start

If you’ve recently left school or graduated, and are struggling to get hired, the truth is sitting at home and moping won’t help. To keep the job train moving, and to maintain motivation, skills training is highly recommended.

Continuing to expand your level of education and skill set means you’re opening yourself up to potential job opportunities. Working with Training Alliance Group (TAG) provides access to training directly connected to the needs of employers, facilitated through specialist recruiters. As well as working towards your employment goals, you’re creating strong foundations for a successful, long-term career.

Get industry skills training to improve experience

Whether you have previous training in your desired industry or not, making use of employability skills training programs is a smart way to cater your education to the needs of employers. A core part is industry awareness – an invaluable insight into your chosen field through practical placements, and meeting industry partners to discuss desired skills and training.

TAG offers specialised skills training that works to increase awareness of what it takes to get a job. Through core training blocks you’ll learn how to increase your motivation, as well as stand out from the crowd. Block 1 includes setting goals, teamwork, writing resumes, and creating a custom career plan. Block 2 focuses on career development, with advanced skills for job hunting, interview practice, and industry awareness experience.

Transition smoothly to your new job

The benefits of working with job training specialists is they can connect you with the exact training needed to get the job you want. Through accredited training programs you can transition easily into your desired industry, with practical skills and on-the-nose training giving you a solid foundation to get, and keep, a job. 

Taking part in TAG’s transition to work program, for 15 to 24 year olds, means having a dedicated trainer to help figure out your employment goals, with zero pressure on which industry to choose. They’ll work closely with you to determine which delivery method best suits your training needs, depending on your personal ambitions.

How Training Alliance Group can help

Through specialised training, transition to work programmes, work experience, and internships made possible through industry collaboration, Training Alliance Group offers young people a practical life line to landing a job

Whether you have difficulty getting or keeping a job, you’re not alone. Our specialist support officers and recruiters work closely with you to figure out the best method to achieve your personal employment goals, through customised transition to work plans and niche training. For more information on our mentoring and training services helping reduce youth unemployment, simply get in touch today.